He Will Light Up the Route of Your Life

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105, ESV


When I’m using the GPS on my smartphone to get to a destination and I’m advised to make a turn or take an exit, I immediately want to know the next step after this one. I wish to know if I should continue, merge, take a right or a left. Just to be prepared.

The map App does not show the complete route at once; it only reveals the area where the driver needs to focus at the moment. On occasions, I get confused, as when encountering consecutive exits, forks, or driving during heavy rain, which makes the view limited.

The use of GPS makes me think of the times I want to know what’s next in life. There is nothing wrong to be prepared or have a plan for the next move. Yet with preparations, there are matters that come to us without invitation. Moreover, these are the situations that could create a mix of emotions in us, like anxiety, fear, confusion, even pain.

If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you can trust God’s route for your life – step by step – because He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you.

You might not have all the answers right away, but you can trust God will help you arrive at the destination you need to be and at the right time.

God’s Word provides clear direction for every specific need, and its promises are for you too. Believe and trust that He will light up your path or route in life.

2 thoughts on “He Will Light Up the Route of Your Life

  1. Beautiful analogy!

    Many times the route will take you through narrow stretches, high mountains, low valleys and sometimes through the dry desert, nevertheless, through it all He is leading the way!

    Liked by 1 person

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