Where Do you Want to Put Your Trust?


When I was a teenager, I saw a commercial that lasted a few seconds but made an impression in my mind for the rest of my life.

The scene showed chariots and horses galloping at full speed, focusing on their strong and mighty legs, as advancing for war. Then Psalm 20:7 appeared at the bottom of the screen.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”

Every time I read this verse, I can’t help it but think of this commercial.

For centuries, chariots and horses were the means used for fighting in battles. They represented strength, power, and even inspired confidence, causing intimidation on the less equipped armies. The more horses the armies possessed, the more powerful they felt and acted upon it with determination and focus. But, as we read in the Bible, those who trusted in the LORD won battles even when they had lesser horses. God delivered them when they put their trust in Him.

My question to you is, what makes you feel secured and confident? Is it your strength? Your health? Your job? Money? Position? Friends? or maybe something else? You can have some or all of these things, but they could change or disappear in an instant, and so goes your confidence.

On the other hand, to trust in Almighty God is a different story because He never changes.  He has promised to be with you always. When things go as planned and when they go as unexpected. God assures you He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6; Matthew 28:20).

If He did marvelous things in the past, you can trust He will continue to do so in the present. He has never failed His children. He has always been faithful to His Word.

So, where do you want to put your trust? In something that could change or in the immovable name of the LORD?